Addition in two dimensional array (add)

Addition in 2-dimensional array (ADD)


using namespace std;        //this program gives the sum of even and odd entities of 2d array

int main( )


const int row=3;

const int col=3         //3x3 matrix
int arr[row][col];      //inputting values
for(int r_index=0;r_index<row;r_index++)

for(int c_index=0;c_index<row;c_index++)


cout<<"Enter the value at ["<<r_index<<"]["<<c_index<<"] th index : ";


int sum=0,sum_e=0,sum_o=0;

for(int i=0;i<row;i++)

for(int j=0;j<row;j++)


sum_e = sum_e + arr[i][j];
sum_o = sum_o + arr[i][j];
cout<<"The Sum of Even Enteries is : "<<sum_e<<endl;

cout<<"The Sum of Odd Enteries is : "<<sum_o<<endl;
sum = sum_e + sum_o;

cout<<"The Sum of All Enteries is : "<<sum<<endl;
return 0;


 ****  Run this program on system  and learn by practice