Input and Output Statements in C++


Input (Read ) Statement.

You learned how to put data into variables using assignment statement .Now you will learn how to put data into variables using c++ input statement.

when the computer gets the data from the keyboard , the user is said to be acting interactively.
Putting data into variables using cin and the operator >>.The syntax of cin together with >> is


if two variables then


This is called an input statement. In c++ , >> is called the stream extraction operator.

By this way  for so on variables ...

suppose that statement.

int feet;
int inches;

then input is


Output statements

In c++ output on standard output device is use cout and the operator << . The syntax for output statement is

cout<< expression;

This is called an output statement. In C++ , <<  is called the stream insertion operator.

 This example surely help you in uderstanding the input and output statements.

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main ()
            double radius,area_circle;
            cout <<"enter radius of circle:"<<endl;      // output statement
            cin>>radius;                                                 // input statement
            area_circle= 3.14 * radius * radius;
            cout<<"area_circle:="<<area_circle<<endl;   // output statement
            return 0;