The language of computer is called machine language,which is a sequence of 0s and 1s.The digit 0 or 1 is called a binary digit or bit. Sometimes a sequence of 0 and 1 is considered as a binary code or a binary number.
Bit. A binary digit 0 or 1.
A sequnce of eight bits is called a byte.
Byte. 8 bits
Kilobyte. KB 1O24bytes
Megabyte. MB 1024KB =1048576 bytes
Gigabyte. GB 1024MB =1073741824 bytes
Terabyte. TB 1024GB =1099511627776 bytes
Petabyte. PB 1024TB =1125899906842624 bytes
Exabyte. EB 1024PB =1152921504606846976 bytes
Zettabyte. ZB 1024EB =1180591620717411303424 bytes
American standard code for information interchange(ASCII) is a seven bit code and consists of 128 chracters numbered 0 through 127.