Overload Unary Operators in C++

Overload Unary operators

Unary operators are operators that take only one operand. or that has only one operand.

Unary operators are   ++ ,  - -   etc

Here i have explain or overload ++ operator . BY this you can overload -- operator same step by step

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class counter
            int count;
            counter(int c):count (c)
            void print ()   // if you want to take value from user then take a get() function
                        cout<<"counter is "<<count;
            void operator ++ ()
void main ()
            counter c1;


if c2=++c1 , then compiler will complain.becaue we have define the ++ operator to have a return type void in the operator ++().while in assingnment statement it is being asked to return variable of type counter so you should have to do this thing

counter operator ++() // changing in program which is written above
            counter temp;
            temp.counter = count;
            return temp;
void main ()
            counter c1,c2;
            ++c1;           // ++c1 for prefix form

            operator return value

Returning via named object (temp).


Now nameless temporary object

use this code in earlier program

counter operator ++()
                        return counter(count);


we have earlier described about prefix form (++c1)

Now for finding post increment form that is (c1++)

you have to change something in earlier basic program for postfix form

if  c1++

void  operator ++( int )   // int is just a signal to the compiler to creat a postfix version of the operator


count++ ;

if c2 = c1++ , then you have to do

counter operator ++(  int )      // int is just a signal to the compiler to creat a postfix version of the operator


return counter ( count++) ;